suddenly, siti start to be jiwang and i was like wdf??!!!!
while i'm like so emo this wkend.....
while ila was in her own world smiling to herself since wed/thurs i think, pfft, i too emo to realize...
iLA in DRAMA club, but iTiT is da one so JiWANG and i'm da one been CRYiNG diz week..Wakakakakakakaa!!!
LAMEness... ;p

Labels: randomness, the chipettes
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 12:13 AM.
JAMMiNG WAS EXTREMELY FUN!!!i swear i'm not lying that i cant wait for 1st August!!instead of a song, i'm actually singing 2 songs for GFO Charity event...I'm so thankful to all of you, especially to Richard for inviting me to join you guys for this event.I'm truly honoured. TOTALLY!!!Did practise "LiSTEN" by beyonce, and it was awesome-ness!!BESTnyerrr!!i got to perform the live version one....will link it, once i post it on youtube our practise...Well, other than dat,BALiiiiiii!!!
flying off diz coming Saturday!!!cant wait!! cant wait!!! cant wait!!!!*but duit comm belom masok sak!! takpe takpe takpe bisa diatur*and baru nak senang2 kn, ader jek terjumpe ker terpijak ker or terlihat taik, dah depan mater nyah, dah "TER"nampak kn, nak buat aper...
But i guess it's life la uh, when somthing good gona happen, or when you just wana focus on sumthing, distractions will never fail to appear, mcm bisikan SYAITAN like dat la, senang ckp..
Wat else, it's about Mr Ex la!
saw he's FB stating he's moving on liao, bla..bla...bla....k la, pape la ehk... den LATEST update, dat Ms "Polan"
(i shall not called names first la k, coz not confirm yet), was seen wif him like most of da times now outside,
(dat one oso cant confirm, coz neva saw dem in front of my eyes yet) den post some notes on fb just for Mr-Ex... Wah...wah...wah.... So dat's it uh Mr-Ex?? Interesting... We shall just wait and see, wait and see...
i shouldnt have to be bother bout you anymore, but yeap, a girl is still a girl, cant stop poking her nose in here and dere.... Anyway.....
I'm glad that AT LAST, YOU"VE MOVED!!
but to dat kinda girl?? how amazing?? Seriously, so that's your forte?? Really? asal tk bilang i siang2 kn.. tsk..tsk...tsk.. i can't wait to see da nxt chapter of your life... Parents reaction, how god & faith yada-yada.. haha!
Like i told you before, i am a SADiST, and i really am, it juz depends who and whom... & hello, something is really hanging somewhere...
So you gona left it HANGING and just MOVED uh?? really?? well... and y muz i not HATE you... You can't even attend to me nor answer or talk to me in your stable state.. Only when you are sober and drunk and when all ego had been put aside dat u actually called.. tsk..tsk..tsk... You should be TOTALLY ASHAMED of yourself!! See?? How am i ever supposed to be PROUD of you.. Take care darlz, will continue your chapter soon, dat's a PROMiSE.. ;)
i cant wait for my GATEWAY!!!!
Find my true LOVE in BALi?? i nid to learn wat's LOVE is all about first...
hmmm... Find someone who can teach me wat's LOVE, from BALi?
nyehehehehee... ;pLabels: Beyonce, GFOs, jamming, Mr Ex
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 10:35 PM.