Zooobz treat me to FACiAL for my B'day YESTERDAY!!!!!cool or wat...
now i'm clueless wat to give her for her b'day....
it's like only tomorrow!!
or like less den 4hours now!!!
tick tock tick tock tick tock........
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 8:15 PM.
alas... only till today i got the chance to update my blog on my b'day celebration...
the eve of my b'day..Moron (thomas) & his gf ask me out for dinner at arab street...
Went to MOSI CAFE to have dinner...
was kinda fun thou...
NEXT morning...
the REAL DAY!!
busu came in my messy room, shouted 'HAPPY B"DAY NULLL!' and pass me an Esprit umbrella.. (yea, da one which she had left it in da cinema while watching Step Up..)
Den after shower.....
the REAL DAY!!dere's a shiny purple wrap box wif a card attached to it wif ibu's handwriting...
and guess wat's underneath that shiny purple wrapped box..??
A pair of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle classic cartoon DVD!!!
goosh, i've been wanting it since i'm 3..
20 yrs later sak!! tears well up siol!
Den in da office....
the REAL DAY!!makan2 time....
makan buffet la beb... saaap lynn tak turon, anak die demam panas..
colleagues gimme ESPRIT hot pink clutch!! and guess wat boss gime... GUESS HANDBAG!!
Den later in da noon...
the REAL DAY!!Sharkila give a b'day dedication la on RiA!!
kecoh kaper...
wat else ehk.......
think dat's all....
the REAL DAY!!da time which i've been waiting....
to meet Mr J and see wat in store for me...
well it started out SUCKS! as usual.... i have to wait for him, like almost an hour.. even thou i'm da one who came down to bedok... PAthetic ryt! i noe...
before dat, at noon....
the REAL DAY!!he did call me to ask me out for lunch..
but too bad, i'm having lunch wif boss and colleagues..
but den he did told me dat he got for me sumthing which cost him a BOMB!!
and he tak sempat to wrapped da gift, but it look sweet, dat wat he said la..
so as a girl, and a girlfriend.. typically, i tot he got for me a DIAMOND ring or pendant etc... but then again, i dun wana have high hopes coz i dun wana b dissapointed..
before dat oso in da morning
the REAL DAY!!
he did asked me wat do i want for my b'day, seriously i dun want anything but just to LOOSE WEIGHT and gain back my CONFiDENCE!!
the REAL DAY!!)so bout 10 mins before he reached, he called "sorry u, i on da way, u jgn mengamok k.." tau takpe.... hehehee... sejok sikit hati cek... it's so hard for him to be sweet diz few days..
den when he reach at mcdonald bedok where i had waited for him with loads of patience, he pass me dat 'gift'... GUESS wat?!! k well, not another guess bag la of course, creative zen Mp3! pink color sumore...
den after dat go eat at suria or segar restaurant, i order prawn and lemon chicken and he order his all time favourite grouper fish...
den watch movie, very da boring show, speed racer, but we did have our own fun time, if u noe wat i mean...
but yea, we did doze a little during da show after dat... mendaks siok!
well, in overall, out of ten, i give him 5.5 or mayb 6 la...
coz i noe, sum gerls did get much better treatment on their b'days by deir bfs..
i appreciate his efforts to get the gift, da food, da movie thou...
but yea, it's better den da previous one dat i had wif him la...
coz as far i can remember, he had actually told me, like last dec 2007, to keep my day free on my b'day coz he's off on dat day.. so i was actually expecting MORE!
i mean, he asked me like last dec sak.. of coz i was like high expectations,
but to noe his attitude... haizz...
i didnt put hight hopes, if not, dissapointed rabak like always...
but well, for HiM to do all dat which he don't usually practice it, i'm kinda proud of him..
and yea, this is wat lack...
he's LATE!
no flowers,
no candle on cake to blow wishes upon...
Surprise factor: 5/10
OK la...
dere present and
kisses frm him...
he is such one confusing idiot dat i never came across....
making life so confuse and uncertain everytime...
always a bad one....
expected the unexcpected and be prepared with loads of patience i always tell myself...
but still will end up wif tears welling up at night...
Labels: 13 may 2008, birthday celebrations, creative zen pink
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 10:14 PM.