iLA goes GAGA!!!
see la, last minute den tell me she wana join Lady Gaga Look-a-Like Contest by Perfect 10...
yesterday went to city plaze to search for Wig... Called Izzy, and was told to find at costume shop which is near my work place.. Aaarghh!!
So juz now get the WiG from No.1 Costume Shop
(the manager there - i assume, he likes me... hahahaha!!), get the Funky eye-lashes at Bugis St... and all set for GAGA-ing!!

cool isnt it....
(biase ah, saper make-up artist kn...hehehee...)well all da best for her...
toodles!! ;)Labels: ila gaga, lady gaga, no.1 costume shop
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 12:27 AM.
time to update on what happened during for my b'day week....

gifts from collegues and my tuition kids!! cute kn...
from Ashrul, ibu, ila, and siti!!best kan!!!
frm fancy cards to parfum to POLAROiD CAMERA!! to 10-in-1 HAiR curler and...and...
the best among the best which is so unexpected......
it's my design during my PaLiN time ah, which iLA secretly took it and make it like dat...
cool keper... actually i intend to do it, but no time la, suddenly.... TADA.....!!!!

eyEzZy TauRuS!! hahaha
Love u all loads!!!!
(more pics coming up!! ;))
Labels: 2009 birthday
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 9:46 PM.
Dear Mr Jasman,
Thanks for the "prompt" reply....
(So are we still meeting up??.. hahahaa!! up to you.. i have moved on long time ago if you can see from the date of my posted blog.. GOSH!! you are so OUTDATED!!)Hmm... As you can see, it took you a month plus to actually realize what is happening although i had actually put up my blog add on my msn like months ago.. Did you ever bother?? And that's who you are, u just can't be bother at times, well most of the times in fact.
Oh no! tink juz me la he dont bother, coz my b'day oso he cant remember, how dissapointing is dat?!!!
(and i wonder how did u get to noe bout my webbie add... hmmm...)Hmm...Where shall i start now...
talking bout me being "beradat", well i admit that i'm not perfect, but at least i don't pretend...
(i have a hell load of my different side which you don't noe, haha! i'm just glad i didnt show all my colours to you... see, so do u noe me now..?? Hahaa!! i doubt so...)Being childish, demanding, drama queen, attitude....well dat's just let's say, u can't handle me.... Fair enough?coz that is what i am, you won't change for me, so y must i??saper yg childish??If you were to say i always go around the bushes...Speak for yourself...So much of you being ok with da Bugis-lepak incident...and here you say it sparks yada yada yada....i want to straighten things up to fellow readers here,i already tell him that i wana go walk2 la, coz i'm bored, he insist on staying and play truth or dare... and when i told him i want to get my nail polish, he told me off, "bsok boleh beli per.."-ko tak bingit?? salah ker i go ahead on my own?? tak kacau die kn, only after that,when i came back, he said if i were to tell him, he wud jolly well accompany me. No need to go off like that...Arent you confused??? coz i am...(Nope, i think he's da confused one...)Talking bout being childish also,hmmm, well looks who's talking....who's childish enough to blocked me on MSN when they say they are ok wif me but actually HE's not... and delete me off from facebook and surprisingly TAGGED too!!(which he's da one invite me to join as his fren , hypocrite kn.. ishk..ishk..ishk...)and ermm... keeping my friends which most of them you don't noe at all... tak malu ehk...??Do you noe that with your recent actions here in my blog, u're such a childish fella too??Accept it...u point out my mistakes like you don't have you own mistakes...can't you see da good side of me..?? i can actually cover up everything for 2 yrs?? (haha!! tink it's not a good thing for you afterall)which naturally enduring all your nonsence only god noes the crying and da suffering i had....Don't you realise that u're actually had bukak your own pekong here...??but........i just keep it simple la.... (coz i'm a classy bitch.. haha!!)
u call me "worthless", "you're not lucky to get me"," i'm not worth it", went out wif your ex behind my back, doesnt have the mood to talk or to meet me coz you are like going after a girl which you think your destiny (which i think it is la ehk... go ahead... i wish you all the best) and i still kene da scolding from you for pointing this out.... tak ker sundal & dayus tuu...And talking bout nice.........u're such a confused guy....U make ppl see that you're such a happy-go-lucky guy, everything goes, no restrictions, and everything, but....................................(u shud noe la.. i'm juz tired of typing. And i dont wana make you malu la eh senang ckp...)And i'm glad that our relationship ends here...It's a good thing thou...And i've moved on long time ago... no need to beg me la...AND....don't make it sound like you're a BIG CATCH coz you're not at all...And don't worry la...i will find a better guy... GLAD!! it's not you...and LASTLY,do check da DATES of my blog before had just humiliated yourself... (Ouch!!)and please,
like i said before when i did asked you to leave me which you dont want to,
"if you wana break off wif me do inform me, so i wont bother you anymore",
and yes you had, and i'm not still holding on to you....?? Gosh! Please la, get a life...
i noe where i stand, u dun need to shoo me off nor tell me wat to do..
maybe y i bother you is da fact that you dont have da GUTS to face me to SPILL this SHIT of yours... Satisfied...??
but yea, i think i'm just stoopid to believe and trust your words.....
and putting da blame to your parents?? hmm... not the right move la...
and stop provoking me, coz i mite juz blurt out a hell load more bout you...
i wanna man, not a boy who tinks he can...
- eyEzZy Nu ~ 12:23 AM.